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So you've heard about all the bad stuff in your personal care cabinet and now you want to clean it up. Or you’ve never had a skin care routine but now that you are noticing some fine lines you think it’s time. Perhaps your skin just doesn’t look as vibrant as it once did.

We understand.

But where do you start?

This is a question we get asked often and with over a dozen products in our line alone it can seem daunting.

The best place to start is with what we’ll call a “Basic Skin Care Routine.” No need to go crazy to start (there is always time for that later, LOL.) Your Basic Routine will include, simply, only a few select types of products and will become the foundation that you can build upon later — or once you start to see some amazing results!

As a preface, let’s get this out of the way…

Your skin is your body’s largest organ and is the barrier between your body and the rest of the world. Sometimes it’s busy cleansing itself and other times it absorbs the elements around you. When your skin absorbs water and healthy oils, this is a good thing. When it happens to be toxicity in our environment (and skin care) it’s definitely a negative. So it has never been more important to know what is in your skin care and be sure it is not laden with toxic chemicals and preservatives. A basic rule is if you wouldn’t put it in your mouth, don’t put it on your skin (and you can tweet that!).

Back to the routine — here are 5 easy steps to starting your personal Basic Skin Care Routine:

1. Know the Skin You Are In

Before you can choose the products for your routine you will need to identify your skin type. What skin type are you? Normal/Combination, Oily, Dry, Sensitive, Mature or Aging?

If you’re not sure what skin type you are — no worries — you can check out how to identify your skin type here.

Once you know the skin you are in you can look for the products that will support the issues your skin type has.

2. Cleanse

The skin on your face is more delicate than the rest of your body and so your bar of soap that works great for the rest of you just isn’t going to do it for your sweet face anymore.

We love liquid cleansers, which might explain why we have two! Look for a cleanser that is gentle enough on your skin and yet tough enough to take away the day’s wear and tear when you use it — and, yes, that includes your make-up.

Both our Citrus Mint Cleanser and Aloe Herb Cleanser are gentle enough to keep your skin soft and supple and tough enough to get (most of) your makeup off (to remove final traces of makeup try a little coconut oil, works like a dream and doesn’t drag the precious skin around your eyes.)

Which one should you try?

Well, if you run on the oily side, we would definitely recommend our Citrus Mint Cleanser. With bold citrus overnotes this one will surely perk you up in the morning and will leave your skin clean (even better after a sweaty workout to re-invigorate all your senses.)

For those with more sensitive to aging skin we love our Aloe Herb Cleanser. This product is suitable for all skin types, gentle and creamy, and always leaves your face feeling lusciously soft and silky.

We love using our cleansers in the shower. Fit them into your morning and evening routine for the best results.

3. Rejuvenate

Have you noticed the first few fine lines? Is your dull and lackluster? Don’t worry we have something for that!

For those with signs of aging or the beginning of fine lines, a little loving is in order.

Using an active blend of vegan stem cells and antioxidants, our Citrus Stem Cell Serum is a great way for your skin look firmer and tighter. High in Vitamin C and with the essential oils of Lavender and Sandalwood, our Citrus Stem Cell Serum will make a noticeable difference in the way your skin looks when used continuously over the course of 30-40 days.

Pump a couple of drops into the palm of your hands and apply to the face and neck. Apply morning and evening after cleansing for brighter, more luminous skin.

4. Moisturize

Ever notice how brittle a dry sponge is? This could be compared to how your skin looks and feel without moisturizer. Heat, weather and a host of other environmental factors cause skin drying.

First and foremost hydration begins within, so make sure you are drinking enough water, this alone can literally pump up the appearance of your skin.

After cleansing and applying Citrus Stem Cell Serum take a few drops of one of our oils (choose the one for your skin type) and apply to the face and neck.

5. Smile!

What beauty regimen would be complete without a big beautiful smile? Of all the things that can transform someone into a beauty, a radiant smile takes the cake (a healthy cake, of course!) When you glow from the inside out, you can confidently beam a big smile to the world.

So there you have 5 easy steps to your Basic Skin Care Routine:

1. Know the skin you are in.
2. Cleanse morning and evening.
3. Repair.
4. Moisturize.
5. Flash a big smile!